Hire Qualified Professionals to Manage Your Government Fleet

Washington DC Traffic | Government Fleet Management

Managing a government fleet poses unique challenges. Unlike private fleets, government fleet managers operate within budget constraints set by government funds and policies. They must handle aging vehicles, outdated software, and a dispersed fleet nationwide. Keeping track of each vehicle, inspections, driver quality, and overall operations can be daunting. For effective solutions, consider our specialized government fleet management services and expertise in federal government fleet management.

Without government fleet management software, fleet managers are left with inaccurate data and reporting. Fleet managers must provide a 100% accurate data analysis to government officials on behalf of their fleet and funding needs. The responsibilities that come with monitoring a government fleet are endless. Thankfully, managers don’t have to do it alone.

Mercury provides government fleet management services to provide fleet managers with the resources, research, and technology they need to succeed. Whether they need help with tracking fleet, collecting data, or tracking ROI, our fleet management consulting services will help optimize manager’s fleets.

Below is a summary of Mercury’s government fleet management services:

Government Fleet Management Services

Fleet Consulting

When fleet managers need help managing their government fleet but don’t know where to start, our government fleet management consulting services help establish the basics within their government fleet. We will begin to determine the best practices for the fleet using process mapping and gap analysis techniques to find strengths and weaknesses within the fleet. Many fleet managers are not aware of their fuel costs and sustainability. As part of our consulting services, we assess fuel costs by tracking current use, contracts, commercial fueling, and capital improvement needs. These are just a couple of our most popular consulting services. Altogether, can provide consulting services for:

  • Best Practices

  • Cost of Services Analysis

  • Fuel Type Feasibility

  • Optimal Vehicle Replacement

  • Outsourcing Feasibility

  • Reimbursement

  • Policy and Procedure Development

  • Request for Proposal Development

  • Vehicle Replacement Planning

  • Vehicle Utilization and Rightsizing Studies
  • Vehicle Allocation Methodology (VAM)
  • Interim/Temporary Fleet Management Staffing

Fleet Data Analytics

Government fleet management services depend on data analytics services and tools to accurately assess a fleet’s operations. Our biggest data services include the aggregation and analysis of fleet’s data to analyze their previous performance, current weaknesses, future goals, and areas of improvement. Many fleet managers struggle to develop and maintain in-house data analytics with abundant knowledge of government fleet management. Mercury works with 40-50 clients a year to absolve government fleet managers from this conflict. We utilize several proprietary government fleet management software applications to analyze cost analysis, budgeting, optimal vehicle replacements cycles, fleet utilization, and more.

Clients We Serve

State/Provincial and Local Government Fleet Clients

Mercury works with fleet agencies within state, provincial, and municipal government jurisdictions. We have worked with government fleets in 33 states across the U.S. Our reach doesn’t stop there. We also have worked with fleet managers in multiple provinces and corporations of Canada.

A few of our state/provincial and local government clients include:

  • Departments of Streets, Highways, and Transportation
  • Departments of Sanitation/Waste Collection and Recycling
  • Departments of Parks, Recreation, Conservation, and Environmental Protection
  • Departments of Public Safety (Corrections, EMS, Fire, Police, Sheriff)
  • Electric, Gas, Water, Wastewater, and Flood Control Departments and Districts
  • Airport and Seaport Departments and Authorities
  • Bridge, Tunnel, Parkway, and Toll Authorities
  • Urban Bus and Rail Transit and Commuter Bus and Rail Authorities

US Federal Government Fleet Clients

To support federal government fleets, Mercury consultants have completed nearly 50 Vehicle Allocations Methodology (VAM) studies, drafted Fleet Management Plans, and provided other necessary government fleet services. Since 2002, we have provided ongoing support for federal fleet managers using Fleet Management Information System (FMIS) projects and Federal Automotive Statistical Tool (FAST) data quality analytics.

Our reputation speaks for itself, as our Mercury consultants were selected to develop an accredited Federal Fleet Certification program on behalf of the National Property Management Association (NPMA). This is the only government fleet management certification program of its kind. We are the experts in federal government fleet management services and have had the privilege of serving the U.S Department of Homeland Security, United States Navy, United States Postal Service, NASA, and many others.

Mercury offers international government fleet management

Why Choose Mercury For Government Fleet Management Services

Mercury is the leader in the government fleet management industry. We pride ourselves as a unique and results-driven fleet consulting firm. Our success comes from our specialized fleet management expertise, unmatched industry experience, and our proven track record of improved government fleets and satisfied clients.

Our only focus is to serve and improve the government fleet industry. Whether fleet managers need government fleet management services, training with a skilled fleet manager, or a complete re-evaluation of their fleet, Mercury will get the job done. If you need government fleet management consulting services, contact us today.