In the U.S., Mercury has conducted projects for over 75 U.S. cities in more than half of the states. We have worked for seven of the 10 largest U.S. cities (by population), including New York, Los Angeles, Houston, Philadelphia, and Phoenix. Our county government clients include 14 of the 50 largest counties in the U.S.

In Canada, we have worked for a dozen Canadian cities in four different provinces.

Sampling of Mercury’s Local Government Clients

Corpus Christi, TX

city fleet management Corpus Christi TX Mercury Associates IncMercury assisted the City of Corpus Christi, TX to reduce costs by assessing the feasibility of outsourcing fleet management functions. The project also included an assessment of opportunities to right-size of the fleet.

Gresham, OR

city fleet management Gresham OR SkatePark Mercury Associates IncThe City of Gresham, OR engaged Mercury to conduct a space needs assessment for their fleet operations, and conduct a best practices overview of their fleet program.

Loudoun County, VA

city fleet management Loudoun Cty Courthouse LeesburgVA Mercury Associates IncMercury was engaged to develop replacement plans and rates for the Loudoun County, VA Government fleet of about 1,900 vehicles.

Mercury conducted a fleet maintenance outsourcing feasibility study, focusing on roughly 1,000 light and medium-duty vehicles currently maintained for Loudoun County, VA Department of General Services and its customers by Loudoun County Public Schools.

Loudoun County, VA retained Mercury to conduct a CNG fleet fuel feasibility study that included all non-public safety vehicles and the commuter bus fleet.

Loudoun County, VA Transit engaged Mercury to develop a replacement plan for its 70-vehicle commuter bus fleet and to determine the appropriate balance for its fleet replacement reserve fund.

Loudoun County, VA Public Schools retained Mercury to assist it in developing an RFP for bulk fuel purchase and fuel site maintenance services.

Loudoun County, VA Government and Loudoun County Public Schools selected Mercury to conduct a wide-ranging review of the management of their combined fleet of 2,500 vehicles and pieces of equipment. The scope of the study included a best management practices review, a fleet utilization and rightsizing study, a review of current fleet management costs and charge-back rates, and a review of fleet replacement reserve funds, rates, and alternative capital financing approaches.

Mount Prospect, IL

city fleet management Mount Prospect IL Mercury Associates IncThe Village of Mount Prospect, IL Public Works Department retained Mercury to develop a new operating cost charge-back rate model and rates.

Previously, Mercury conducted an optimal replacement cycle analyses for seven key types of vehicles and pieces of equipment in the Village’s fleet. The objective of these analyses was to determine the age or accumulated usage level at which each types of assets should be replaced in order to minimize its total cost of ownership.

Mercury also conducted an alternative fuel vehicle feasibility study aimed at determining the benefits and costs of improving the sustainability of the Village’s fleet.

Norman, OK

city fleet management Norman OK Campus corner Mercury Associates IncMercury performed a comprehensive fleet rightsizing study for the City of Norman, OK fleet of nearly 900 vehicles and pieces of equipment. The project included identifying underutilized fleet assets, recommending optimal transportation and equipment solutions, and assisting the City in establishing a shared-use motor pool.

Previously, Mercury conducted a comprehensive fleet program review that included an assessment of fleet management practices for replacement planning, budgeting, and fleet utilization in addition to all major components of the fleet maintenance and repair operation.

Sacramento, CA (City and County)

city fleet managementSacramento County has a countywide fleet of approximately 3,200 vehicles and equipment units and the City fleet consists of 2,200 vehicles and pieces of equipment

The Sacramento County, CA Department of General Services retained Mercury to conduct an assessment of the configuration, deployment, and use of the Fleet Services Division’s fleet management information system. The scope of this project also included determining the suitability of deploying the system to manage the 400-unit fleet of the Sacramento County Airport System.

Previously, the County selected Mercury to conduct a fleet maintenance program competitiveness assessment that included a review of the Fleet Services Division’s costs, cost charge-back rates, and all fleet maintenance and repair-related resources and business processes.

The City of Sacramento Department of General Services engaged Mercury to develop a new fleet cost charge-back rate model and rates for its Fleet Management Division.

Previously, the City engaged Mercury to conduct a fleet cost containment and efficiency improvement study. The scope of that project included conducting a cost of service analysis and evaluation of current charge-back rates relative to actual costs; an evaluation of long-term fleet replacement costs and alternative approaches to financing them; the determination of optimal replacement cycles for selected vehicle types; and an evaluation of fleet-related procurement and services delivery practices, all aimed at identifying both immediate and long-term cost savings.

San Francisco, CA

city fleet management

The City and County of San Francisco, CA has a fleet of more than 6,000 vehicles and pieces of equipment.

The City retained Mercury to conduct a preliminary space needs assessment for a new central fleet maintenance facility for its Fleet Management Department. Mercury determined the total building and ancillary space requirements for the replacement facilities so that suitable parcels of land could be located and purchased.

San Francisco also selected Mercury to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of it fleet management and operating practices. The scope of that study included an analysis of opportunities to right-size and improve the sustainability of the City’s light-duty vehicle fleet.

In a previous project, the City hired Mercury to assist it in recruitment search of a Director for its Fleet Management Department.

Wilmington, DE

city fleet management The City of Wilmington, DE entered into a contract with Mercury to provide on-site fleet management support, including oversight of contracted fleet maintenance operations, validating fuel system usage, and developing monthly charge-backs for all departments.

The City of Wilmington, Delaware retained Mercury to conduct a fleet rightsizing study. The City was seeking ways to reduce the costs of its fleet without impairing the delivery of services to residents and taxpayers.