Mercury has partnered with more state governments than any other dedicated fleet management consulting firm in the U.S. Our consultants have collaborated with 33 out of the 50 state governments, including 20 of the 25 largest states. In Canada, we have worked with the Provinces of Ontario and Saskatchewan, as well as the Yukon Territory.

Mercury U.S. State Clients At A Glance

The map below shows the depth of Mercury company and staff experience across the U.S.

[show-map id=’1′]
  • Alabama
  • Alaska
  • Arkansas State University
  • California
  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • Delaware
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Hawaii
  • Illinois
  • Iowa
  • Massachusetts
  • Michigan
  • Minnesota
  • Missouri
  • Nevada
  • New Jersey
  • New Mexico
  • New York
  • North Carolina
  • Ohio State University
  • Oregon
  • Rhode Island
  • South Carolina
  • Tennessee
  • Texas State University
  • Utah
  • Virginia
  • Washington

Sampling of Mercury’s State Government Clients


The State of Alabama Department of Corrections retained Mercury to conduct a fleet transformation project that included recruiting an interim fleet manager; acquiring and implementing a new fleet management information system; rightsizing and developing a plan and financing strategy for renewing the fleet; and developing and implementing new fleet management policies and procedures. The undertaking was a component of a major energy conservation and capital improvement program conducted by Johnson Controls, Inc. In an earlier project, Mercury partnered with the University of Auburn Montgomery on a strategic assessment of fleet operations for the State of Alabama. That initiative included a review of fleet management organizational structure and roles, fleet replacement practices, policies and procedures, and maintenance activities.

Mercury also conducted an outsourcing feasibility study and review of leasing opportunities for the University of Alabama.


The State of Alaska engaged Mercury to conduct a feasibility study for the use of CNG as an alternative fuel for vehicles operated by Department of Transportation and Public Facilities as well as other government agencies, schools, Ted Stevens Airport, and local businesses in the Anchorage area. The State previously selected Mercury to conduct a fleet rightsizing project aimed at identifying opportunities to reduce the State’s fleet of 7,000 vehicles and heavy equipment units.

Mercury also conducted three best practice assessment studies for the University of Alaska Anchorage, Fairbanks, and Southeast institutions along with benchmarking performance and evaluation of fleet maintenance services.


Mercury has conducted a number of consulting projects for the State of California over the past decade. With over 50,000 vehicles, the State operates one of the largest fleets in the world.

Mercury was engaged by the California Department of General Services to right-size and right-type the State fleet of 50,000 vehicles. Using the Vehicle Allocation Methodology (VAM), Mercury’s consultants analyzed utilization data, surveyed fleet users, and provided recommendations that ultimately led to a fleet size reduction of 14 percent and annual savings of more than $11 million.

Mercury developed a strategic plan for the California Conservation Corps fleet management program. The CCC operates a fleet of 500 vehicles at 24 work force development centers throughout California.

We designed a strategic plan for State of California Lottery Commission fleet management program. The plan covered a number of fleet functional areas, including vehicle inventory size requirements, lease versus buy, fleet services delivery model, and information management needs.

The California Department of General Services selected Mercury to benchmark fleet service costs, develop recommendations for centralized services, and provide recommendations for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of fleet service activities. Previously, Mercury conducted a comprehensive analysis and comparison of internal fleet lease rates against those charged by commercial leasing and daily vehicle and equipment rental companies.


The State of Florida operates a large fleet of 25,000 vehicles and pieces of equipment.

Mercury was selected by the Florida Department of Management Services to optimize the performance and cost of its fleet operations.  The project included an evaluation of the best business and organizational model and covered alternatives such as centralized versus decentralized management, in-house versus use of commercial vendors, and vehicle lease versus own.

The Florida Department of Transportation selected Mercury to conduct a fleet right-sizing study, develop a long-term fleet replacement and financing plan, update the fleet policy manual, and calculate fully allocated internal shop rates. Previously, Mercury conducted an in-depth review of DOT’s fleet management policies and practices.


The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office of Finance and Administration selected Mercury to develop a new fleet cost charge-back rate model and rates. The Operational Services Division manages 2,700 light-duty vehicles for executive branch agencies employing an array of charge-back rates to recover the costs of various types of vehicle leasing and management services it provides these agencies.

Mercury also provided fleet management consultant services to the University of Massachusetts Amherst where we reviewed existing fleet practices and developed a transition plan to help the University reach goals resulting from our recommendations.

New York

The State of New York has a fleet of 23,000 vehicles and pieces of equipment.

New York’s Office of General Services awarded Mercury a five-year task order agreement for fleet management consulting services to assist the State in the design, development, and implementation of an array of organizational and business process improvements aimed at upgrading fleet management practices and improving fleet performance and costs. The first two task orders awarded were for a rightsizing study for the 9,000-unit passenger vehicle component of the State’s fleet; and a replacement planning and total cost of ownership study of the entire State fleet.


The State of Iowa Department of Administrative Services selected Mercury to assist it in assessing the feasibility of outsourcing motor pool services to a commercial car rental company.

In a previous project, Mercury (along with Wells Kastner Schipper) was selected to perform a facilities master plan and fleet operations review for the University of Iowa. That project included a review of the motor pool and student transportation operations, rightsizing opportunities, centralization, and fleet maintenance operations facilities requirements.


Mercury has provided consulting services and independent fleet management reviews for the State of Oregon multiple times over the past decade. The State has a fleet of more than 6,000 vehicle and equipment assets.

The State of Oregon Department of Administrative Services hired Mercury to conduct an evaluation of selected fleet management and maintenance practices for the State’s light duty fleet operation. The project also included a comparison of operational practices and performance to other similar state fleet agencies.

Mercury was selected by Oregon’s Department of Transportation to conduct a fleet management, replacement, and utilization study for its vehicle and equipment fleet. We developed a new charge-back rate model and rates for recovering capital and operating costs and conducted a fleet utilization and rightsizing study.

Mercury was also chosen to conduct a comparative analysis of Oregon’s Department of Administrative Services’ light-duty fleet program versus other similar state fleet organizations throughout the United States. The study also included a review of DAS fleet maintenance shop operations.

Rhode Island

The State of Rhode Island Department of Transportation selected Mercury to perform a study of key facets of the management of its vehicle and equipment fleet. The major components of the project included an assessment of the feasibility of insourcing the maintenance and repair of the fleet; the development of a long-term fleet replacement plan and evaluation of alternative capital financing approaches; and an evaluation of RIDOT’s mileage reimbursement practices.


Sampling of Mercury’s Province / Territory Government Clients

British Columbia

The Canadian utility, BC Hydro, selected Mercury to conduct a fleet best practices assessment as well as development of a vehicle sourcing strategy. Mercury also assisted BC Hydro with the selection and development of fleet system functional requirements for an enterprise fleet management information system. The project included defining system requirements and interface specification, training BC Hydro staff on how to evaluate systems, and serving as a technical advisor.


The Ontario Provincial Police retained Mercury to assist in performing economic analyses of alternative replacement cycles for police vehicles and benchmarking replacement practices against other Canadian and U.S. law enforcement fleets. The OPP has more than 5,000 police officers and operates a fleet of more than 3,000 vehicles and watercraft.

Mercury was also selected by the University of Western Ontario to develop a strategic fleet plan. The project included an assessment of fleet operations to maximize efficiency, sustainability, and economic performance. Located in London Ontario, UWO is the fourth largest university in Canada.


Mercury was selected by the Government of Saskatchewan to provide consulting services that included the development of a request for proposal and selection of a new fleet information system, project management for the selected system, and business process reengineering / industry best practice integration.

Yukon Territory

The Yukon Territory Fleet Vehicle Agency, a division of the Ministry of Highways and Public Works, engaged Mercury to reengineer its cost charge-back systems, fleet replacement planning program, and operational consolidation feasibility.

Mercury previously conducted several projects aimed at improving the management of the Yukon Government fleet, including an evaluation of the Transportation Maintenance Branch’s fleet replacement planning, replacement revolving fund, and capital and operating cost charge-back practices; and a best practices assessment of the Fleet Vehicle Agency.