When implementing a fleet system, fleets commonly focus on basic features to meet core needs, missing such valuable tools as warranty management, shop scheduling, flat-rate labor times, parts inventory stocking, and reporting. Fleet management software is much like the human brain, and we only use a fraction of its potential. The most underutilized fleet systems tend to be those in which initial software setup, training, and use were designed to meet the operation’s basic business requirements (i.e., just enough effort and resources to get things back to business as usual). This common scenario occurs when, during a system’s implementation, the organization focuses solely on getting the system up and running to meet core business needs, such as work orders, parts inventory management, and basic reporting. The system then tends to remain in a remedial state with little emphasis on rolling-out features such as warranty management, shop scheduling, flat-rate labor times, part kits, part catalogs, inventory stocking levels, accident management, motor pool scheduling and administration, and ­management reporting.

Download PDF file here: Getting the Most from Your Fleet System – Article – Government Fleet